Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns
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Alice: Madness Returns (2011)

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Alice, now 19 years old, resides in an orphanage under care of Dr Angus Bumby, who is using hypnotism to help Alice erase the dark memories that torment her. As she grapples with repeated hallucinations of Wonderland, Alice soon finds herself in another quest, guided by the Cheshire Cat, who explains that an outside force has corrupted Wonderland and that it is upto Alice to save Wonderland - and herself.

Madness Returns takes Alice into a darker, brutalised Wonderland that forms a reflection of her own tortured mental state. With platforming and action, Alice traverses the strange realms of Wonderland to discover the source behind this corruption - and her own dark memories.

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MayaShowen's picture

MayaShowen 8 months 3 weeks ago

A wonderful juxtaposition of innocent childhood and dark macabre themes! This adaptation of Alice in Wonderland is phenomenal. This game is a must play for any fans of twisted horror or fantasy!

kgracerichardson's picture

kgracerichardson 3 years 5 months ago

A fun and terrifying twist on Alice in Wonderland. A stunning sequel to "American McGee's Alice", this game utilizes new technology to recreate the dark and visually spectacular world of Wonderland that's been warped by Alice's declining mental state. A must-play for those who are fans of horror.

NicoChii's picture

NicoChii 8 years 1 month ago

The twisted plot and dialogue makes this Alice in Wonderland spin-off rather unique and eye capturing. The design for this mad world is amazing and the characters are just as distinctive. When it comes to Alice, the main character, you have a variety of weapons to choose from, as well as dresses you can put on and roam around in. To make this game even more fantastic, the story line and the background music are exceptional. This game is definitely a must play for players who don't mind the insanity. We're all mad here.~

EvieL's picture

EvieL 8 years 1 month ago

A twisted and twisting plot that will just not leave you alone! No one can say enough about the design of the game's world, characters, variety of weapons, even each scene's clothes! You will just love to watch this game. And, of course, that's not all! Easy control movements, fantastic music and a story that's unlikely you will ever forget! Very unique character development, with the first prize going to Alice, with her complexity of thinking and acting. She would make the perfect cynical heroine for any RPG. This is the sequel to "American McGee's Alice" and both games deserve a place to any gamer's collection.

Rage_More's picture

Rage_More 8 years 1 month ago

Attempting to fill the over-sized boots left by the original, Madness Returns utilizes newer technology to deliver a Wonderland experience none will soon forget. Although the lack of bosses is sad, everything about this game is beautiful, and anyone who likes an atmospheric experience will find it worth a purchase.

KatiW's picture

KatiW 8 years 2 months ago

Alice the Madness returns is game that takes the book Alice in Wonderland and turns it into a dark and twisted game that really pulls you in. The gameplay itself can have certain difficulties even on the easiest level, but the story itself and the haunting art within the game makes up for that. Would only recommend for older gamers who don’t mind elements of insanity and their view on a classic book changed forever.