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Gauntlet (2014)

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When 4 adventurers go on a quest to search for treasures, they’ll have to enter massive dungeons, fight endless hordes of enemies, and defeat horrendous bosses. In Gauntlet, choose one of the 4 main characters available: The Warrior is strong and can take on huge waves of enemies whilst resisting a fair amount of damage; the Valkyrie possesses a shield used to throw at enemies, giving her a powerful ranged attack along with her melee capabilities; the Elf is the archer of the group, being able to shoot multiple arrows and even explosive ones at enemies from far away; and the Wizard is another ranged fighter with 9 spells to choose from, each with their own effects.

The game is divided in several areas, and every map is filled with different enemies and perverse traps ready to kill unsuspicious players at the blink of an eye. You can either delve into the game’s deepest reaches on your own or play cooperatively with 3 other friends, locally or online. Choose the character that fits you the most, engage in endless battles and try to beat the gruesome maps, while going on the everlasting hunt for more loot and money.

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327's picture

327 8 years 1 month ago

*FIRST* I can't figure out why this game doesn't have more comments - it's a perennial favorite for laid back party games! You and up to three friends can run through zone after zone of pure dungeon crawling, hack and slash glory. Simple, linear game progression keeps the skill requirements low key while four distinct classes give any player a chance to work their way through each level and boss fight. Not the most complex game of all time, but a worthy cyber jaunt with an arcade feel.