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OniKaiNoIchi's Profile

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Available GD Points: 43
About - Khairi Allah-Fernandez: Living out his life in the earthly realm. Twas at a certain point, the "Oni" decided while monitoring the masses; that it needed to be Changed. Studying the martial arts, Philosophies and that which you would call Video games. Creating Worlds Of Fantasy and Fiction. Writing articles to sift the minds of the chosen known as "gamers'. at which point, he decided through his writings; the souls would be transformed into that of free will. Broken from the formalities of society. Embracing the Wierd, Strange and all things Geek.

Level 15 Dedicated

1507 xp

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You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Far Cry 3(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Far Cry 3(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Castlevania: Lords of Shadow(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Castlevania: Lords of Shadow(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Fable: The Lost Chapters(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Fable: The Lost Chapters(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Tomb Raider(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Tomb Raider(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn(on 14th Sep, 2018)
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You earned 300 XP for rating Diablo(on 14th Sep, 2018)
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You earned 300 XP for rating Dragon Age: Origins(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Fez(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Fez(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Mirror's Edge(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Mirror's Edge(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Shank(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Shank(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Shank 2(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Shank 2(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Enslaved: Odyssey to the West(on 14th Sep, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for rating Enslaved: Odyssey to the West(on 14th Sep, 2018)
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