Thomas Was Alone

Thomas Was Alone
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Thomas Was Alone (2012)

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Thomas, was alone. A simple red rectangle, curious and observant, explores his surroundings to figure out why he is where he is. It isn't long however, before Thomas finds others much like himself - and yet, strangely, with differing abilities. As he discovers more of the world, Thomas realises that he is more than just a rectangle, and that the world is more than just a flat 2D space.

Thomas Was Alone is a 2D platformer with an ongoing narration in which simple geometrical objects are brought to life with a story that touches the emotional core.

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nupur27's picture

nupur27 8 years 1 month ago

A hilarious experience of being flat as a rectangle. I literally got the feeling of viewing the world with a body having the backbone same as the stomach and being flat as a paper. Initially, in the imagination of the maker, I thought even I would go flat and solve the mystery of being so, in the world of Thomas itself. Though the game is named, Thomas was alone. I was always standing by him and experiencing the illusion world created by the gamer. I was converted to 2D by flattening myself, but I was experiencing a 5D effect by actually playing it.

Rinisa's picture

Rinisa 8 years 1 month ago

Thomas Was Alone will not win any awards for complexity, graphics, or mind boggling gameplay. What this game does offer is a compelling story that invites players into the intimate thoughts of creatures we believed didn't have thoughts at all. A game players won't talk about, but will think about.

TConcannon's picture

TConcannon 8 years 2 months ago

Better and more memorable characterization that most games I've played this decade. While the overall platforming is simplistic and not very challenging, TWA is a quick play that demonstrates all you need to tell a good story is heart and enthusiasm.

tasookete's picture

tasookete 8 years 2 months ago

Simple, minimalistic, but charming and relaxing. Each character - just a colored rectangle - has a personality, a backstory and a talent, which makes them unique. Physics is incredible in this game - falling, bouncing and swimming feels so good and natural. A quiet soundtrack will help you stay calm if you get stuck on some tricky level.